First AGM was held to adopt the Constitution. In this AGM, all members unanimously agreed to the followings:
1. The name of the association/alumni ie “Pertubuhan Alumni University of Newcastle (Australia), Malaysia” (University of Newcastle (Australia), Alumni Malaysia Chapter)
2. The registered address at 19 Jalan Kampong Attap, 50460 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
3. The draft of the Constitution of “Pertubuhan Alumni University of Newcastle (Australia), Malaysia” (University of Newcastle (Australia), Alumni Malaysia Chapter)
4. The appointment of the Executive Committees
• The President: Ms. Lai Tze May
• The Vice President: Dr. Sam Lee Shoo Man
• The Honorary Secretary: Mr. See Tai Yang
• The Honorary Treasurer: Mr. Allan Chee Kuat Fong
• Three Ordinary Committee Members: Mr. Loh Tian Tat, Dr. Robert See Tow Ngau and En. Muhammad Firdaus B Abdul Ghani
It was a success in this meeting to table the Constitution for approval by the members. And this meeting was witness by our Patrons; MAAC President, Puan Sri Susan Cheah & Vice President, Mr Adrian Ong; and the University Vice Chancellor, Prof. Nick Saunders and his senior executives. They were:
• Prof. Trevor Waring -Chancellor
• Mr. Michael Johns - Deputy Chancellor
• Associate/Prof. Martin Fitzgerald -Pro Vice Chancellor (Corporate Development and Community Partnerships)
• Prof. Stephen Nicholas - Pro Vice Chancellor (Business and Law)
• Associate Prof. Amir Mahmood - Deputy Head of Faculty Business & Law
• Prof. Bill Purcell - Pro Vice Chancellor (International)
• Prof. John Carter - Pro Vice Chancellor (Engineering and the Built Environment -that is Architecture)
• Ms. Rosemary O'Neill Thomson - Associate Director, (Corporate Development and Community Partnerships)
• Ms. Gabrielle Wilson - Alumni Project officer
Executive Committees
Vice Chancellor, Prof. Nick Saunders