31 March Australia Graduate Career’s Day Venue: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre Time: 10am – 5pm
18 June Afternoon High Tea & Annual General Meeting Venue: Busaba Restaurant, BSC Kuala Lumpur Time: 3 - 5pm
30 July
MAAC 2011, Go Kart Endurance Race
Venue: City Karting, Shah Alam Stadium
Time: 9am - 12pm
10 September Bowl-Together 2011 Venue: Sunway Mega Lanes, Sunway Pyramid Time: 2 - 5pm
20 November Alumni Reception from The University Venue: Shangri-la Kuala Lumpur
Time: 5.30pm – 6.30pm
Professional Development Seminar
Presented by Chancellor, Professor Trevor Waring,
a clinical psychologist.
Topic: “Surviving the Workplace –
Protecting your Mental Health and Wellbeing”
Time: 6.30pm – 7.30pm
Pre Dinner Drinks
Time: 7.30pm
Alumni Dinner
Dato' Ir Dr Abu Bakar Jaafar
Dato' Ar Haji Esa bin Haji Mohamed
Datin Seniya Esa
Dato' Mohammed Hussein
Tan Sri Datuk Mohd Razali Abd Rahman
Chapter Trustee
Lai Tze May
Vincent Tiew Soon Thung
Chapter Committee 2012 - 2014
President Sam Lee Shoo Man
Vice President Nicole Lim Sui Yee
Honorary Secretary Vivegananthan Chelliah
Honorary Treasurer Tee Yiok Soh
Committees Danny Chan KK
Loi Yoke Bong
Muhammad Mohan
Post a note
Australia Office of Corporate Development & Community Partnerships
The Chancellery
The University of Newcastle
Callaghan NSW, 2308
T: +61 2 4921 6380
F: +61 2 4921 6889
E: alumni@newcastle.edu.au W: www.newcastle.edu.au/alumni
University of Newcastle (Australia), Alumni Malaysia Chapter
c/o 19 Jalan Kampong Attap
50460 Kuala Lumpur
E: uonalumni@gmail.com
Facebook University of Newcastle (Australia), Alumni Malaysia Chapter
A Day to remember... 08.08.08
In this date, Malaysia Chapter, received an approval from The Registrar of Societies (ROS) of Malaysia for being a legal association in Malaysia!
University of Newcastle had started one of their partnerships with local institution which offered programs ie MBA, Master in Marketing, Master in Human Resources. In year 2002, many students had completed and graduated. These group of friends, initiated an idea to form an alumni under the name of the University. It was not a smooth organizing at that point of time. In fact, a protem committees was formed. However, due to work committments, some committees had resigned. Ms Lai Tze May was one of the committees and she has been the contact person for the University, Australia Education International (AEI) and The Malaysian Australian Alumni Council (MAAC) since then.
They were few senior officers from the University been visiting Malaysia to discuss on the formation of the alumni since 2002. However, that was only in April 2007, when a phone call of visit by Ms. Rosemary Thomson, that was when the Malaysia Chapter was discussed, application submitted to the Registrar and finally was successfully approved on 8 August 2008 (08.08.08) !
A copy will be given to members upon the success in membership application.
Membership & Subscriptions
In the Constitution states
ARTICLE 3 - Membership
3.1 Membership of the Chapter are classified into:
a) Ordinary membership - Malaysian citizens, above 18 years of age and are graduates of University of Newcastle, Australia and residing in Malaysia are eligible for ordinary membership of the Chapter.
b) Life membership – Ordinary members who had contributed a lump sum of payment to the Chapter.
c) Associate membership - Graduates of University of Newcastle, Australia who are Malaysian citizens, above 18 years of age and are residing in places other than Malaysia or Graduates of University of Newcastle, Australia who are non-Malaysian citizens, above 18 years of age and are residing in Malaysia.
d)Student membership is open to any Malaysian currently enrolled as a student in any recognised course or programme of instruction conducted by and/or under the auspices of the University.
3.2 Any person who wishes to join the Chapter shall submit his/her particulars to the Honorary Secretary of the Chapter on a prescribed application form.
3.4 A copy of the Constitution shall be furnished to every approved member upon payment of the entrance fee.
4.1 A registration fee of RM50
4.2 The annual subscription payable shall be as follows (or such higher amount as approved by the members in the AGM) :-