In this AGM, main agenda has been tabled and discussed. The critical issue was the poor attendance and participation from the elected committees for term 2008 - 2010. Due to this, there was not many activities conducted by the team. In 2007, there was 67 registered members. However, lapsed membership and discontinued membership as at 26 June 2010 came to a total 43. However, the meeting was able to carry on with quorum. The Chapter was pleased to have Patrons, Dato' Esa and Datin Seniya for the meeting. Dato' Esa was generous to offer a hand to tackle the membership issues. A copy of minutes will be filed to the Registrar of Societies upon signed by the immediate past President, Mr Vincent Tiew.
In this meeting, a new team was elected. The executive committees is headed by President, Ms Lai Tze May. Her Vice President is Mr Sam Lee Shoo Man. Both of them are assisted by Honorary Secretary, Mr Suraj Rethnam; Honorary Treasurer, Ms Nicole Lim Sui Yee; Committees, Mr Vivegananthan Chelliah, Mr Muhammad Mohan, and Mr Tee Yiok Soh.
In order to comply with the Constitution, a minimum of two trustees is required. Ms Lai Tze May remains as Trustee for the current term and the second Trustee is Mr Vincent Tiew.
The Chapter was greatful to have Returning Officer, Mr Andy Chong, from La Trobe University Australia Alumni Malaysia to conduct the election exercise.
After the AGM, executive committees have delegated task to team members. Here is the list with task and person in charge:
1 Membership: Vice President, Mr Sam Lee with support from Ms Nicole Lim (Hon. Treasurer)
2 Event for November 2010, UoN KL Visit: Mr Vivegananthan Chelliah, Committee
3 Campus Visit: Mr Muhammad Mohan, Committee
The new elected team shall meet again to discuss the above on 17 July 2010.
We, the Executive Committees would be very much looking forward to receive your comments, constructive criticism, advice and participation in future!
We have some pictures here taken on the day by our Patron, Dato' Esa.
Chapter Trustee and elected President, Lai Tze May ; Returning Office from La Trobe University Australia Alumni Malaysia, Andy Chong
Elected Team for 2010 - 2012
Patrons, Dato' Esa and Datin Seniya with New Commttees
Discussion over the meeting