‘The Global Recession and the Malaysian Economy: The Way Ahead’
Presented by Associate Professor Amir Mahmood Deputy Head of Faculty and the Assistant Dean International, Faculty of Business & Law, University of Newcastle.
The presentation will provide an overview of the way the global recession has impacted the Malaysian economy, the policy tools used by the government to minimise the severity of this recession, and highlights the dynamics of the global recession and their implications for future growth of the Malaysian economy.
Associate Professor Amir Mahmood completed his M.A and Ph.D. in economics from the University of Manitoba, Canada. His current research focus is on issues concerning competitiveness and trade in commercial services in the ASEAN region. Professor Mahmood was a recipient of 2007 Endeavour Malaysia Research Fellowship, a prestigious award offered by the Australian Government. With keen interest in the Malaysian economy, Professor Mahmood has presented talks at various Malaysian institutions, including Economic & Planning Unit (EPU), Professional Services Development Corporation (PSDC) Malaysia, Malaysian External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE, National Productivity Corporation (NPC), and Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA).
VENUE: Hilton Petaling Jaya, No 2 Jalan Barat, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
DATE: Saturday 21st November 2009
TIME: 2pm
RSVP: By 19th November to alumni@newcastle.edu.au
Registration essential as seats are limited. At the conclusion of the seminar guests are welcome to stay for light refreshments and the chapter AGM.